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Listen to the pronunciation of La Llorona and learn how to pronounce La Llorona correctly.

La Llorona was a story that kids parents would tell their children. Here’s the story behind it, if you don’t know it:La Llorona was the most beautiful woman there was. A man had came along, and they got married, and had two children: a boy and a girl. Her husband was gone a lot, so every time he came home, he would hug their son and daughter, kiss them on the forehead, and tell them that he had missed them. But La Llorona had become jealous, because she felt that their children were getting the amount of love that she deserved. So one day, when her husband left, she took her two children to a river/lake, and she threw them in. As her children screamed for her to help, she stood there, watching them. But as soon as she felt regret inside her, it was already too late to save them—they were dead. So when her husband came home that night, and asked where they were, La Llorona told him what she had done. Her husband then left without saying a word. La Llorona was so saddened by this, because she had lost everything, her husband, and her children. She then kills herself, jumping in the river. Of course, she died, and she was then cursed to find the bodies of her children. Often times, she would take other people’s children, as a replacement.
English: The Weeping Woman) is a legendary ghost of a woman who, according to legend, drowned her own children in a fit of jealous rage and then wandered the riverbanks for eternity, wailing for them.

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English (USA) Pronunciation
English (USA) Pronunciation
English (USA) Pronunciation
English (USA) Pronunciation
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English (USA) Pronunciation

Spanish (Spain) Pronunciation
English (USA) Pronunciation
Japanese Pronunciation
Spanish (USA) Pronunciation
Hindi Pronunciation
English (USA) Pronunciation
French (France) Pronunciation
French (France) Pronunciation
French (France) Pronunciation
English (Australia) Pronunciation
Chinese (Taiwan) Pronunciation
Spanish (USA) Pronunciation
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Dutch Pronunciation
Dutch Pronunciation
English (India) Pronunciation
English (UK) Pronunciation
Spanish (Spain) Pronunciation
Japanese Pronunciation
Korean Pronunciation
Spanish (Spain) Pronunciation
Chinese (Mandarin) Pronunciation
Chinese (Hong Kong) Pronunciation
Danish Pronunciation
Danish Pronunciation
Danish Pronunciation
Dutch Pronunciation
English (Australia) Pronunciation
English (Australia) Pronunciation
English (Australia) Pronunciation
English (Canada) Pronunciation
English (UK) Pronunciation
English (UK) Pronunciation
English (UK) Pronunciation
English (UK) Pronunciation
English (India) Pronunciation
English (USA) Pronunciation
English (Welsh) Pronunciation
Finnish Pronunciation
French (France) Pronunciation
French (Canada) Pronunciation
French (Canada) Pronunciation
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Polish Pronunciation
Polish Pronunciation
Polish Pronunciation
Polish Pronunciation
Polish Pronunciation
Portuguese (Brazil) Pronunciation
Portuguese (Brazil) Pronunciation
Portuguese (Brazil) Pronunciation
Portuguese (Brazil) Pronunciation
Portuguese (Brazil) Pronunciation
Portuguese (Portugal) Pronunciation
Portuguese (Portugal) Pronunciation
Portuguese (Portugal) Pronunciation
Portuguese (Portugal) Pronunciation
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Russian Pronunciation
Russian Pronunciation
Russian Pronunciation
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Spanish (Castilian) Pronunciation
Spanish (Castilian) Pronunciation
Spanish (Spain) Pronunciation
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How To Pronounce La Llorona

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